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Understanding the Generative AI Threat Landscape

Aug 24, 2024

Understanding the Generative AI Threat Landscape

Navigating the Complex Threats in Generative AI Systems

Eli Shlomo | Microsoft MVP Security
Head of xTriage Team

סייענים ואפליקציות מבוססות בינה מלאכותית יוצרת (GenAI) נמצאות בשימוש נרחב של ארגונים, צוותי פיתוח ומשתמשים. החדשנות והדינמיות של בינה מלאכותית מביאה בכל יום בשורה אחרת, מודלים חדשים ויכולות חדשות.

בעקבות כך, נוף האבטחה של בינה מלאכותית יוצרת (GenAI) מתפתח יחד עם החדשנות ומביא אלינו מרחב איומים וסיכונים חדשים, חלקם, ייעודים אך ורק למרחב הבינה המלאכותית. נוף האבטחה של בינה מלאכותית מצריך מאיתנו להכיר את האיומים, להבין את הסיכונים ולהגיב בהתאם לפערים, בעיות אבטחה וחשיפות.

הגישה וכלי האבטחה המוכרים אינם יכולים להתמודד עם הבעיות החדשות שמגיעות עם בינה מלאכותית יוצרת, ולכן, אנו צריכים לאמץ גישה חדשה, כלים אחרים ומתודולוגיה שתוכל להתאים את עצמה למרחב התקיפה החדש.

צוות xTriage מגיב לתקריות אבטחה בענן, מבצע ניטור אבטחה חדשני, מריץ סימולציות תקיפה בענן, ובפרט, מתמקד באבטחה של בינה מלאכותית.


Generative AI has become integral to our daily lives, assisting us in various tasks, such as scheduling meetings, summarizing reports, providing recommendations, etc. However, with the rise of Generative AI comes a security challenge, a huge one.
Key Threats in the Generative AI Ecosystem
While powerful, generative AI presents several critical risks across different domains. Understanding these risks is essential for developing robust security measures and protecting AI systems.

User Interaction Risks
Generative AI systems can be manipulated through direct prompt injections, where malicious inputs alter AI responses, leading to unintended outcomes. There's also the risk of data leakage, where sensitive information might be unintentionally exposed during AI interactions. Unauthorized access and oversharing are significant concerns, as inadequate access controls can result in data breaches and exposure of confidential information. Additionally, AI hallucinations, where the system generates inaccurate or fabricated information, can mislead users and cause erroneous decisions. Overreliance on AI outputs without proper validation increases the risk of mistakes, while AI systems are also vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that disrupt service availability. High computational costs due to malicious usage, known as GPU abuse, can strain resources and incur financial losses.

Generative AI Application Risks
Generative AI applications face threats like data poisoning, where attackers compromise training data to skew AI outputs, resulting in biased or harmful outcomes. Indirect prompt injections through compromised data sources can adversely affect AI performance. Orchestration vulnerabilities in integrating AI services can be exploited, compromising the overall system security. Additionally, dependencies on third-party components introduce supply chain risks, affecting the integrity and security of AI systems.

AI Model Risks
AI models themselves are not immune to threats. Insecure plugins and skills design can be exploited, leading to security breaches and data loss. Techniques to bypass AI safety mechanisms, known as jailbreaks, can cause harmful and unintended AI behavior. Unauthorized access to proprietary models can result in model theft, leading to intellectual property loss and competitive disadvantages. Data poisoning during model training phases specifically introduces vulnerabilities and biases. Moreover, intrinsic weaknesses in AI models can be exploited by attackers to compromise the system.

What is xTriage solution by CloudEdge
xTriage solution addresses the multifaceted threats in the Generative AI landscape. xTriage offers comprehensive security measures designed to protect AI systems from various vulnerabilities. By implementing robust access controls, data protection mechanisms, and advanced threat detection, xTriage ensures the safe and ethical deployment of Generative AI technologies.
For more information on how to protect your company’s AI models, contact xTriage team.

Understanding the Generative AI Threat Landscape

Navigating the Complex Threats in Generative AI Systems

Eli Shlomo | Microsoft MVP Security
Head of xTriage Team

סייענים ואפליקציות מבוססות בינה מלאכותית יוצרת (GenAI) נמצאות בשימוש נרחב של ארגונים, צוותי פיתוח ומשתמשים. החדשנות והדינמיות של בינה מלאכותית מביאה בכל יום בשורה אחרת, מודלים חדשים ויכולות חדשות.

בעקבות כך, נוף האבטחה של בינה מלאכותית יוצרת (GenAI) מתפתח יחד עם החדשנות ומביא אלינו מרחב איומים וסיכונים חדשים, חלקם, ייעודים אך ורק למרחב הבינה המלאכותית. נוף האבטחה של בינה מלאכותית מצריך מאיתנו להכיר את האיומים, להבין את הסיכונים ולהגיב בהתאם לפערים, בעיות אבטחה וחשיפות.

הגישה וכלי האבטחה המוכרים אינם יכולים להתמודד עם הבעיות החדשות שמגיעות עם בינה מלאכותית יוצרת, ולכן, אנו צריכים לאמץ גישה חדשה, כלים אחרים ומתודולוגיה שתוכל להתאים את עצמה למרחב התקיפה החדש.

צוות xTriage מגיב לתקריות אבטחה בענן, מבצע ניטור אבטחה חדשני, מריץ סימולציות תקיפה בענן, ובפרט, מתמקד באבטחה של בינה מלאכותית.


Generative AI has become integral to our daily lives, assisting us in various tasks, such as scheduling meetings, summarizing reports, providing recommendations, etc. However, with the rise of Generative AI comes a security challenge, a huge one.
Key Threats in the Generative AI Ecosystem
While powerful, generative AI presents several critical risks across different domains. Understanding these risks is essential for developing robust security measures and protecting AI systems.

User Interaction Risks
Generative AI systems can be manipulated through direct prompt injections, where malicious inputs alter AI responses, leading to unintended outcomes. There's also the risk of data leakage, where sensitive information might be unintentionally exposed during AI interactions. Unauthorized access and oversharing are significant concerns, as inadequate access controls can result in data breaches and exposure of confidential information. Additionally, AI hallucinations, where the system generates inaccurate or fabricated information, can mislead users and cause erroneous decisions. Overreliance on AI outputs without proper validation increases the risk of mistakes, while AI systems are also vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that disrupt service availability. High computational costs due to malicious usage, known as GPU abuse, can strain resources and incur financial losses.

Generative AI Application Risks
Generative AI applications face threats like data poisoning, where attackers compromise training data to skew AI outputs, resulting in biased or harmful outcomes. Indirect prompt injections through compromised data sources can adversely affect AI performance. Orchestration vulnerabilities in integrating AI services can be exploited, compromising the overall system security. Additionally, dependencies on third-party components introduce supply chain risks, affecting the integrity and security of AI systems.

AI Model Risks
AI models themselves are not immune to threats. Insecure plugins and skills design can be exploited, leading to security breaches and data loss. Techniques to bypass AI safety mechanisms, known as jailbreaks, can cause harmful and unintended AI behavior. Unauthorized access to proprietary models can result in model theft, leading to intellectual property loss and competitive disadvantages. Data poisoning during model training phases specifically introduces vulnerabilities and biases. Moreover, intrinsic weaknesses in AI models can be exploited by attackers to compromise the system.

What is xTriage solution by CloudEdge
xTriage solution addresses the multifaceted threats in the Generative AI landscape. xTriage offers comprehensive security measures designed to protect AI systems from various vulnerabilities. By implementing robust access controls, data protection mechanisms, and advanced threat detection, xTriage ensures the safe and ethical deployment of Generative AI technologies.
For more information on how to protect your company’s AI models, contact xTriage team.

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